Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Chaos 92 days

So as the title says we are now 92 days away from embarking from Montreal. The last couple days have been insane for me from frantically filling out the last of the scholarship applications to finishing the visa applications and finally this morning registering for classes.
The registration was supposed to start at 8 am so like a good college student on summer break i set 2 alarms; one for 7:50 and the other for 7:55, I actually woke up with the first one! Anyway I was just a few clicks away from being ready to register right at 8 am. I had facebook up and was chatting with fellow early birds (I was up rather late compared to anyone living in a time zone west of me) and 8:00 came and went and we couldn't register. Well as you can imagine facebook lit up with frustrated sleep deprived fellow college students. And then the Semester At Sea website kicked us off. We got an email asking us to log off and to not log back in until they told us so I spent an hour of refreshing my email and hoping that I could register soon and being thankful that I don't have to go to work until 6:30 tonight. We were finally able to register at 9:15 (I would have appriciated more sleep since I worked last night) and I got all the classes that I wanted.
The only thing that I am not too thrilled about is the fact that I will have to be up for an 8am class every day; The way the schedule works is we have A days and B days becuase of going back and forth from being at sea to being on land and we don't have classes when we are in port. So my schedule is on A day I have Geography of International Development at 0800 and Cultural Geography at 1300. On B day I have Japan's Modern Story at 0800 and Global Studies (required course for everyone) at 0920. Hopefully I will get the work study job I applied for because I can easily work 2 hours every day with that schedule and then earn some money towards tuition!
So in the midst of all this chaos for SAS I am actually trying to get summer started around here. For my family that means putting the boat in the water at our cottage. It has been raining alot so I haven't been able to clean out the boat for quite a while but I finally got things going on monday.....yeah I still have no idea how I had time to do anything other then paper work. But I did it I got the boat cleaned, ordered a new hitch for our car and got the boat in to the boat place down the street to get the bottom painted (short side note here I painted it last year and I was literally blue for weeks after, the doctor thought I was really sick because I had a blue tinge to my skin so mom voted we get it professionally painted this year). So right now it looks like we are all on track to get the boat back and the hitch on friday. All I will have to do after that is hook up the gas lines, unwinterize the moter, and install the front seats. There actually seems like there is a chance that I will have the boat ready to go to the cottage this weekend!
So thats all I have to say for now, thanks for checking in! And until the next development (finacial aid award notice on June 3rd) have an awesome beginning of summer!

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