Saturday, July 16, 2011

Almost a month away! 40 Days

Well here we are just over a month away, it seems like everything happens in a month. My Birthday, SAS, family vacation. Everything right now is moving so fast and at the same time August isn't getting here fast enough. This week I paid for my trip in China, I am actually going to be SLEEPING on the Great Wall of China!!! Can you believe that???? It is gonna be crazy cold (well it will be November) but who cares? Nobody else I know can say that they camped out on the Wall.....well except everyone who is going to be there with me. So whats next? Well my next trip to pay for is the Taj Mahal, not sure when I have to pay for that but probably soon. I also need to pay for my camel trek in Morocco, the very first thing I am doing with SAS is riding a camel, how much more awesome can this get? I will also be riding elephants in India! Really going to up my list of animals I have ridden. Other than that, the final list of Faculty Directed Practica (FDP's) finally comes out tomorrow, we already have a sample which they say that it is going to be very similar. But what we are waiting for is the dates of the trips and the final prices would be very nice to know. The final list was supposed to be out last week, but we all know how that ended. Oh well I already have some ideas for what I want to do but it would be nice to finalize plans. Next on my list is to start packing, stuff that I won't need for the rest of the summer can go in the suitcase, hopefully I will be able to get everything in. I was much more optomistic before I had my two suitcases and one backpack sitting in front of me. Wish me luck on this and check back later to see how I manage with the packing! Peace out for now.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck packing! Make sure to leave some space if you are planning to pick up souvenirs or else you'll have a bigger problem getting it all back stateside!
