Saturday, July 23, 2011

Packing! 33 Days

I can't believe the ship sails in just 33 days! I feel like it was just yesterday we were in the 200 day range (back in January) and I felt like I would never be leaving. But now I am just a month away from sailing around the world. That means that I am up to my eyeballs in in my suitcase and piles of stuff ranging from shampoo to notebooks to clothes. Also I finally got my passport back yesterday! I now have my Ghana, India, and China visas in my possession!!!! I have also finished my shopping (I think), my medical forms are done and sent in and have been marked received. I do believe that I am done sending in paperwork to SAS.
Along with packing comes all the planning, so right now our living room is looking more like a giant map as I have maps for all of New England, Canada, soon to have New York and New jersey spread out, also there are tour books and camp books all over the place also. This is because my family is awesome and doesn't want to go straight to Montreal, we are going to camp our way up. I am also planning things to do in each country, whether its independent travel (not by myself but with a million of my soon to be new best friends) or required ones for classes. Along with planning my own travels I am working out the logistics of my mom visiting me in Vietnam and what we want to do there along with flights and hotels for her. And the last part that I have to plan is in December my dad will be picking me up in Florida, so that is one last thing to get finalized before I leave. Did I mention that I leave in 3 weeks?
So this was my fast update before I have to go get ready to go to work soon (job one of three). Thanks for checking in. Peace out

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