Thursday, August 4, 2011

So Close! 22 days!

Although its 21 days until my mom, dad, and brothers get to board the ship.....

I have been informed that it is time to do another post so here goes. My room looks like a bomb went off in it, I am close to being done packing. As in all my school supplies and essentials are packed and my clothes are about 90% packed! This is awesome because I still have tons of room! I have my backpack, which my computer and other electronics will go in and 1/4 of my clothing (a freaking huge) suitcase left. So plenty of space for the last of my stuff. On a side note for anyone planning on using the spacebags that you are supposed to roll the air out.....don't sit on the bed and roll them, they get slippery and you will take a nose dive to the floor so be safe fellow packers!

On another note my foriegn currency came in today! I ordered money for Morroco, South Africa, Malaysia, India, Viet Nam, China, Japan, and Costa Rica. I couldn't get money for Ghana, Mauritius or Cuba (can't imagine why...) So now I have my starter fund, and I must say I now think American money is the ugliest, but that could just be the excitement of holding all this awesome money in my hands.

So now its off to try and see about getting the camper ready. Anyone interested in helping come on over. Otherwise Peace out!

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